Saturday, March 5, 2011

Staging a House For Sale BEFORE and AFTER photos

Staging a house for sale, on a budget, can be challenging. Whether you are a homeowner or a realtor, the most important thing to first do is declutter by removing anything that is not decorative or functional. Then, CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN.
Use the best of what you have on hand. In the photos above, the homeowner already had the beds. As the stager I added fresh and new bedding and some inexpensive mirrors as wall decor.
In the living room, I pulled a switcheroo. The outdated living room furniture got moved to the den and garage and the more contemporary white leather furniture was moved from the den into the living room. As the stager I supplied the lamps and the artwork adding touches of fresh Florida colors. Just from looking at the photos, which house would you be more interested in? The BEFORE or AFTER?

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